Lab 1 - EE420L
Iain Drews
- Goals of the Lab
- Review RC circuits
- Learn to make post lab web pages
- Pre Lab Work
- Request CMOSedu account
- Review RC circuits
- Lab Requirements
- Circuit schematic showing values and simulation parameters (snip the image from LTspice).
- Hand calculations to detail the circuit's operation.
- Simulation results using LTspice verifying hand calculations.
- Scope waverforms verifying simulation results and hand calculations.
- Comments on any differences or further potential testing that may be useful (don't just give the results, discuss them).
- Circuit 1.21
- Simple RC Circuit
- LTspice:

- HandCalculations:
- Vout= Vint(1/(1+RJWC)=1(1/(1+1k*J*2PI*200*1u)= .63@-50°
- Lab Results:

- Circuit 1.22
- RC circuit with a second capacitor to rectify the phase shift
- LTspice

- Handcalculations:
- C1 1uC@200hz= -j800
- C2 2uC@100hz= -j400
- 2uC||1kOHM= 371@-69°=133-j346
- Total Impeadence=133-j346-j800=133-j1146=1154@-83°
- Vout=Vin*C1/Total Impeadence= 1*800@-90°/1154@-83°=0.69@-7°
- Lab Results:

- Circuit 1.24
- RC time delay
- LTspice:

- Hand Calculations
- 50% time delay = .7*R*C =.7*1k*1u=.7m
- 99% time delay = 5*R*C=5m
- Lab Results

- Thought on differences and futher tests.
- No major Differences between sim hand calculations and lab results
- could also test under varying frequency to find various impeadences in RC circuit
a return to the listing of your labs